Christine's Birth Story: Part II
If you haven't yet, read Part I first! I went and brushed my teeth, put in my contacts, asked Jake to find a brush… ya know, all those...

Christine's Birth Story: Part I
Christine Millie Anne February 11th 2018 - 4:17am 9lbs 2oz – 21 in. After a full six weeks of prodromal labor and two and a half weeks...

Stephen's Birth Story: Part II
If you haven’t yet… read Part I first! ****** The thought that I might actually be ready to push still had not crossed my mind. I didn’t...

Stephen's Birth Story: Part I
Stephen Patrick July 19th 2012 – 4:08pm 8lbs 8oz – 19 in. We hadn’t had rain in months. It was one of the driest summers the area had...

Evangeline's Birth Story: Part II
My midwife asked if I wanted her to check my dilation. I was concerned about the tub so I said sure. I was only five centimeters, so she s

Evangeline's Birth Story: Part I
I had been lying in bed for about a half hour, lazily considering whether or not I should get out of bed. I had a couple of small contracti