One Mediator
This is part of our No Longer Sola Series. I used to say and believe that there is nothing in the Bible about asking the saints in heaven...
Why Scripture Alone Didn't Work
This is the first post in our No Longer Sola series, which will discuss many of the reasons we left the Reformation Solas behind, as well...
Did God Order an Abortion? Part III
If you have not yet read my first and second posts in this series, you can find them here: Part I & Part II. You can find the original...
Did God Order an Abortion? Part II
If you have not yet read Did God Order an Abortion? Part I – please go there and read it now. It is more important than Part II. Here...
Did God Order an Abortion? Part I
***If you have suffered an abortion please read this post first.*** If a flagrant misuse of God’s Word doesn’t motivate me to blog again…...
In the spirit of doing what I say I'm going to do...
So, at the beginning of the year I posted all of my resolutions and promised that I’d keep you updated on the progress. Umm… sorry about...
Old Years Resolutions
I suppose it seems sort of boring, but I am rather relieved not to have New Years Resolutions for 2012. New resolutions are so...