What Do We Mean By Sola Scriptura?
I was going through a pile of old papers and I came across a stack of interesting essays I had read in college and seminary. I wanted to...
Thinking Out Loud: The Bible is Tradition
Readers of this blog are aware by now that a significant doctrinal reason for my becoming Orthodox is the Bible and it's relationship to...
Fascinating Friday
Every Spring when I see the Dandelions pop up I'm reminded about my dear Grandmother who passed away in 2012, but I can still hear her...
Who Decided?
In a previous post, “Why Scripture Alone Didn’t Work” I wrote the following: "The Bible didn’t fall out of heaven ready to go. Someone...
No Matter What You Say...
This is our second post in the No Longer Sola Series. Read my first post on Scripture Alone here. As I’ve written about previously, my...
Why Scripture Alone Didn't Work
This is the first post in our No Longer Sola series, which will discuss many of the reasons we left the Reformation Solas behind, as well...